


迪力夏提·阿布地热木 1 ,邓大伟 2*

1.新疆医科大学研究生院,新疆 乌鲁木齐,830011;2.新疆医科大学第五附属医院胃肠外科,新疆 乌鲁木齐,830011

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中图分类号: R656.7 文献标志码:A文章编号:2096-1413(2018)07-0191-03

    Progress in prevention of post operative adhesive intestinal obstruction

    DILIXIATIAbudiremu 1 ,DENG Da-wei 2*
    (1.Graduate Department, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830011; 2.Gastrointestinal Surgery Department, the Fifth
    Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830011,China)

    ABSTRACT: Peritoneal adhesion is one of the most common complications after abdominal surgery, it will lead to postoperative intermittent satiety, abdominal pain and other symptoms, and it may even resultin adhesive intestinal obstruction, which needs surgical treatment again. In recent years, the prevention of adhesive intestinal obstruction obtains continuous attention. It can ensure the exact effectin prevention of post operative adhesive intestinal obstruction, and improve the quality of life, reduce the complications to optimize surgical procedures, conducts urgicalin novations, use materialsand drugs to prevent adhesions, and strengthen comprehensive interventions in quality nursing and Chinese medicine.  
    KEYWORDS: prevention;postoperative adhesive;intestinalobstruction

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